blue lotus blog archives

We've relocated our Blog to our website, so this page has become the location for our archived blogs.

To view our most recent posts, please visit the blue lotus blog on our website.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

A letter, a reminder

I received a letter that every person who is a part of blue lotus should read. Luckily, I was also given carte blanche to share it as I saw fit. Well, I see fit to share in a big way. :)

Many of you know our curly haired, huge smiled, delightful, welcoming Tom. He was one of the original "Peeps" (our work-trade staff) and was a walking, talking advertisement for yoga, for blue lotus, and for the power of community.

He recently moved to Colorado, and for as much as we miss him, his presence is still very much in the studio.

He sent this lovely letter to me, which I am honored to share with you.




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