blue lotus blog archives

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thanks to the blue community

After all was said and done (we received yet another donation check this week!) as a community, we raised just under $5000 for the Nepal House Society during the "blue turns 2" celebration. We had an amazing weekend (check out photos from the event) for such a great cause; many thanks to everyone who participated.

For anyone who has not been to the studio, here's a note from Ashwin:

To the friends, staff and supporters of BLUE LOTUS

On behalf of Nepal House Society (Canada) and our partner Nepal House Kaski, in Pokhara, Nepal, we wanted to say “Dhanibad” (Thank you) so very much for your generous donation. The funds that were raised will allow us to hire for a fourth counselling position to support the traumatized, marginalized and ill children in Nepal. It also allows for us to expand the scope of our work to include children who live in other parts of Nepal.

Nepal is emerging from more than a decade of civil unrest where thousands were killed; many more thousands were left traumatized as a result of the violence that went unchecked. As the country tries to find its way in the new global economy, children are still left to fend for themselves and violence against children, exploitation of children and the ignoring of children continues. Poverty forces many families apart, and parents often have to leave their children as they search for work in Kathmandu, in India or the Middle East. Sometimes the parents return.

Nepal House is emerging as a place where those kids who are on the verge of disappearing can find an ally. Through the use of art therapy, play therapy and a safe relationship with one of our counselors, children are supported to see themselves as more than the trauma or violence that has dominated their lives. At present Nepal House supports children in more than a dozen orphanages and children’s villages.

Thank you Jill Sockman for including us in your thoughts and for taking the time to come to Nepal and Nepal House.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti…

Ashwin Ganesh Sharma
Nepal House Society

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is amazing!!