blue lotus blog archives

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Saturday, June 26, 2010


Service in the form of dana (generosity; the practice of giving) is nothing new to our community. This year we raised $6500 for MercyCorps efforts in Haiti. The year before we collected over $5000 for Nepal House. The list of organizations that we have supported since opening in 2007 is long: Raleigh Jaycees, Prevent Child Abuse NC, Interact, Save Darfur Coalition, just to name a few. And rallying this generous community to put some money where their hearts are is something we feel very good about, and we will continue to share opportunities to contribute in meaningful ways. This practice opens our hearts further, and as we enter into the natural cycle of giving and receiving, we have a heightened experience of gratitude in our own lives.

So we are very excited to bring another element of Seva (selfless service for the betterment of another) or Karma Yoga (the Yoga of action) into our blue lotus yoga community, as it is an integral part of what we believe in. In the words of Albert Einstein: “I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”

If you follow the newsletter each month, or hang out in the studio or on our Facebook page, you already know about our Summer of Service. Perhaps you even participated in our “blue crew for the cure” or our first fence building project with Coalition to Unchain Dogs (see photos!). And these projects, events and activities will continue!

We offer a big thanks to Carrington for spearheading this summer’s project at the studio, as well as huge kudos to all of our instructors who make giving a regular part of their practice…just a few inspiring examples: Julie has given over 1,000 hours of service to Rex Hospital as a specially trained volunteer, screening newborns for hearing loss for over 13 years. Alison volunteers weekly at Healing Place men’s facility for substance abuse. Sandy has offered countless hours on the boards of Ten Thousand Villages and Rebuilding Together (not to mention at blue lotus!) and she offers a free weekly Chair Yoga for the YWCA at the Raleigh Safety Club. Yvonne and Suzanne give their time sharing Gentle Yoga at the Cancer Center. Julee volunteers at Open Door Clinic and the Tammy Lynn Foundation. Our teacher trainees volunteer time to offer free classes to folks at blue lotus as well as Wrenn House, Haven House, and with various special populations like kids with Autism and at-risk youth.

How you choose to serve is a matter of listening to your heart’s calling. And so we ask: Are you listening, and how are you answering the call?

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