Time flies when you're having fun, right? This weekend we will celebrate the end of our third year of yoga in downtown Raleigh. And it has been a lot of fun! But more on that, later.
Last year, our fund raising efforts were directed to the Nepal House Society. During our "Blue Turns Two" fund raising weekend, the blue lotus yoga community raised over $5000 to support a therapy center for abused, abandoned and traumatized children in Nepal. In addition, we donated a percentage of 2009 Wee Boo-tique sales to Nepal House, and recently got this exciting news from Ashwin Sharma, the organization's Chairperson:
Dear Jill
What a wonderful surprise in our mail box today! Thanks to you and your wonderful yogis for all your continued support.
The Nepali team is doing well, we have opened a second therapy location in a community with a number of children with HIV and Aids. We hope that in about 15 months, maybe sooner, to open a school attached to the therapy project to focus on educating girls.
Again thank you, and many blessings Jill
These expansions were made possible, in part, by our amazing and generous yoga community. I've talked with Ashwin about the new center, and how much I'd love to make another trip to Nepal with a group of students to experience the culture and people, as well as lend a hand with some project at the school. Anyone getting a travel bug?
But that was last year, and now we're three and nearly all grown up. :) This year, we focus our efforts to an immediate crisis a little closer to home. Please join our weekend full of activities and our fund raising project to support MercyCorps. Our goal is to raise $2500 next weekend toward recovery efforts following the devastating earthquake in Haiti.
Click the link above for the weekend schedule, or visit the webscheduler. To help express our gratitude for your participation in Raleigh's amazing yoga community and our Third Birthday Bash:
- Receive a blue lotus water bottle with every $20 donation
- Get a raffle ticket with every $10 donation, or six tickets with every $50 donation, for a chance to win one of the many gifts donated by local businesses
- Buy a membership or class pass at opening day prices
- Pick up an item in the Wee Boo-tique- everything will be on sale!
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