blue lotus blog archives

We've relocated our Blog to our website, so this page has become the location for our archived blogs.

To view our most recent posts, please visit the blue lotus blog on our website.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yoga Celebration!

On September 19th - 21st, the Triangle yoga community unites with yogaSPARK as studios, teachers, and organizations around the area raise awareness of the many styles, benefits, and practices of yoga. Join the celebration! On this yogaSPARK weekend, we celebrate the International Day of Peace, the Autumnal Equinox, and the Global Mala Project with our joined intention for creating peace and unity.

The goal of the Global Mala Project (now in its second year) is to unite the yoga community from every continent in the world, forming a "mala around the earth" through collective practices based upon the sacred cycle of 108. Here in Raleigh, blue lotus is teaming up with Evolve and Gateway yoga studios to offer a weekend of special events! All donations will supprt Prevent Child Abuse NC and the work they do to create peace in NC homes. See the Raleigh Global Mala website
for more information. You don't want to miss the fun!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Immersion Day

After a few quiet days in the land of 9 months of transformation, the blue lotus yoga immersion and teacher training program, apparently consideration/decision critical mass was reached. We received six inquiries today, and so we wanted to post a follow-up to the info session post that the course beginning this December is full.

We will still accept applications for anyone who would like to apply and be on the waiting list for this December, or first-call for September '09. Otherwise, general application/enrollment for the second program will begin in May '09.

Thank you for your interest!


So it would seem that blue lotus playlists have become a new favorite feature on the e-news!

I had promised a few of you to include Carrington's fabulous Labor Day Flow mix, but was a little slow on the take.

Here it is, enjoy!

Labor Day Flow

(ps, we would LOVE your comments!)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I am a work in progress

Anyone who is a regular at my classes has heard me go on about how yoga helps to show us the universal nature of the human experience: we are not alone in our joy, struggle, grief, awe-- the full spectrum of emotions and experience. Here's a quote from Donna Farhi, a good reminder for anyone on the path...

Perhaps it is only when we have tested our footing on everything else and found nothing but instability that we can step off into this vast potential and let our life become a free fall. Whether or not we are on a spiritual path, we might ask ourselves, What is the function of these meltdowns? I believe that the intensity of these experiences, especially when they occur well down the road of a spiritual quest, comes from our PROXIMITY TO rather than our DISTANCE FROM our authentic self. As we get closer to the core issues, the central knot, the last frontier of our place of holding, there is more at stake.

It must be Quote Month.
Do your practice and all is coming. (p. jois)

Monday, September 1, 2008

9 months of transformation

I've been wanting to offer a yoga immersion experience and teacher training program for several years now. In fact it was one of the motivating factors in opening blue lotus! Just as you can only go so far into the practice taking a few classes per week, I want to go deeper in my teaching as well-- having the space and time to get into the "tofu" of yoga. :)

I was so incredibly pleased, suprised, and delighted to be joined by more than 30 others for the information session we had last Sunday night. It was so affirming to know that what I feel inspired to share with the community was received with so much enthusiasm.

Many good questions came up, and I was asked to post a summary, for those who were unable to attend.

  • The program will last for nine months, one weekend per month. Although the times vary slighty, in general, we will meet Friday afternoon and evening, all day Saturday, and Sundays 7am - 3pm.
  • The course is open to anyone who has had at least one year of consistent practice.
  • Readyness for the course is not related to performing advanced postures, but rather an openness and willingness to learn and be stretched in ways other than just the physical.
  • Before applying, students new to the blue should take several classes to ensure that it is an environment that feels good to them. This is a way to deepen our experience of ourselves, as well as our experience of community.
  • Although each weekend is different, you can expect to enjoy a mix of practice, lecture, teaching practice, alignment/refinement and structural and energetic anatomy each module.
  • In addition to the weekend modules, there are additional class attendance and assisting/observing hours that must be completed. See details on the FAQ
  • The program is open to men and women of all ages-- as of today, we have enrollments of both, between the early 20s and mid 60s!

Two spaces remain for the session beginning this December, as we are capping enrollment at 18. We will run the next course from September 2009 - May 2010.

If you have other questions about the blue lotus yoga immersion and teacher training program, please send us an e-mail or post them here!